In a resurfaced interview that has drawn notice from fans, renowned rapper and YBNL CEO Olamide Gbenga Adedeji, often known as Olamide, stressed his viewpoint on...
Simi and Adekunle Gold, a powerful duo in Nigerian music, thrilled followers on social media by sharing their imaginative idea for a fun-filled family day. Simi...
Joshua Iniyezo, better known by his stage as Solid Star, is a Nigerian artist who, for the second time, has opened out about his firsthand experience...
Jude Abaga, a Nigerian rapper and music executive who goes by MI Abaga, made a brief comeback on social media recently. In a series of tweets,...
The well-known Nigerian artist Davido has expressed his long-standing adoration for and desire to work with the renowned French-Belgian singer-songwriter Angelique Kidjo, whom he lovingly refers...
Focalistic ft. Dj Venom, DJ Maphorisa & Tyler ICU – In Your Mind Mp3 Download A musical artist by name Focalistic ft. Dj Venom, DJ Maphorisa...
Focalistic ft. Vigro Deep – Vrr Phaa Mp3 Download A musical artist by name Focalistic ft. Vigro Deep has put out a new single “Vrr Phaa“....
Focalistic ft. Mas Musiq – Benz and Beamer Mp3 Download A musical artist by name Focalistic ft. Mas Musiq has put out a new single “Benz...
Focalistic ft. Mellow & Sleazy & Tyler ICU – Tashkuma Mp3 Download A musical artist by name Focalistic ft. Mellow & Sleazy & Tyler ICU has...
Focalistic ft. Madumane, MDU aka TRP & Bongza – Sghubu Ses Excellent Mp3 Download A musical artist by name Focalistic ft. Madumane, MDU aka TRP &...